Monday, August 31, 2009

the most important thing to having a team

i am realizing lately how important it is to have a team. whether it be just one teammate or 8 teammates..its important that we dont do life alone. the word team is basically a group of people on the same side. fighting for the same purpose. the good thing about having a team, ive found, is that no one has to feel at fault because when youre a could be a mixture of everyone needing to change. when youre a team it means youre all fighting to come out on top. its not good to no have anyone to fight with you. id say my team is me jesus and adam. it seems like no matter what the 3 of us are always for eachother. which is good to know..the good thing about having a team is no two people are the exact same. so there are things that you could be good at that maybe your teammate isnt so good at or visa versa. which is good that way you guys have differences. like i am really good at listening and adam is really good at communicating what is on his mind in a polite and understandable way. and with jesus on our side. we get the perfect mixture because he teaches me to say what i need to say and i teach him to just take some time to listen. i guess what i am saying is that we werent meant to do it alone. and for a really long time i thought that i had to..that i could handle it. but now letting myself have a partner in crime..i notice that i shouldnt do it alone if there is someone willing to help me through. and dont get me not saying you need an awesome boyfriend like adam..but just get someone..anyone. a group of friends or just one that you can really trust. ive found living everyday to be a little easier.

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